CuttyClub is in Beta

Did you know that 90% of YouTube views go to the top 3% of channels?

CuttyClub was created to help connect the three C’s – consumers, content creators, and companies. Consumers want to discover new creators, new companies and brands, and save money; companies want to connect with like-minded creators and consumers; and creators want to reach new consumers and monetize their efforts with like-minded companies.

Did you know that 90% of views on YouTube only go to the top 3% of channels? That’s some shit. The new and small channels can’t get discovered, and you’re left watching the same click bait trash, sponsored by the same soulless brands and products that these channels are shilling, like a politician.

No more!

CuttyClub is currently in open beta. More community and enterprise features coming soon. Sit tight and hit us up if you have questions, ideas, or want to chat.



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