Submit a Discount Code

Submitting Discount Codes to CuttyClub

Before submitting any discount codes to us, we recommend that you reach out to use via your primary social media account to help assist in source verification (get a Verified ID), otherwise updates may be delayed. CuttyClub works closely with creators and sponsors to ensure accuracy. We also welcome submissions from non-creators or sponsors.

*See below for examples of a discount code and a deal link (affiliate link, no code)

Submitting multiple discounts or deals:

  • Download a copy of the CuttyClub template (cuttyclub.csv) from here
  • The template is a comma-separated list (.csv file) and can be customized using MS Excel or other compatible text editors
  • Do not change the first row as they are the column headers, add your first deal or discount on the second row
    • Creator Name: Your primary social (should match your CuttyClub page)
    • Sponsor Name: The sponsor name (should match their CuttyClub page)
    • Creator URL: The URL to your primary social
    • Sponsor URL: The business URL where the discount or deal applies
    • Type: Either “Discount Code” or “Deal Link”
    • Discount Code: Only applicable if Type = Discount Code, should be the actual discount code
    • Deal Link: Only applicable if Type = Deal Link, and is typically your affiliate link the deal is associated with
    • Discount Amount: The actual savings amount, percentage, or deal terms
    • Discount Details: The instructions for utilizing/applying the discount or deal
    • Expiration Date: The last valid date of the discount or deal, in mm/dd/yyyy format
  • Save and rename your customized CuttyClub template with the date and your primary social. Ex. cuttyclub_yoursocial_mmddyyyy.csv
  • If you are submitting updates to existing account pages, include your Verified ID (contact us directly to get one)

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25% OFF
Sponsor X Creator

Use our discount code to get an extra 25% off of your order from Sponsor
Discount Code Expires: mm/dd/yyyy


25% OFF
Sponsor X Creator

Use our deal link to get an extra 25% off of your order from Sponsor
Deal Link Expires: mm/dd/yyyy